INTRODUCTION Low molecular weight antimicrobial agent produced by microorganism as secondary metabolites that kill or inhibit the growth of other microorganisms (pathogens) are called ANTIBIOTICS. Antibiotics are isolated from special microorganisms or other living organisms. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses. it is used to treat bacterial as well as some protozoan infections. HISTORY It is believed that antibiotic was first used by Chinese , about 2500 years ago. That time they used to apply soybean curd (moldy curd) for therapeutic use. During ancient times Molds was used by Indians and Greeks for treatment of various infections. Russian used to apply soil on the wounds. In 1877 (France) Louis Pasture discovered the antibiotic against Anthrax disease. Through his discovery, he said that bacteria can kill other bacteria ( Anthrax bacilli). 1928, Sir Alexander Flaming isolated the enzyme Lysozyme and antibiotic substance P...