Coprinus comatus: Mushroom

Most common type of Mushroom. It is known by various names such as lawyer's wig, shaggy ink cap, or shaggy mane. It can be seen on lawns, waste area etc. 


  • KINGDOM              Fungi
  • DIVISION               Basidiomycetes
  • CLASS                    Actinomycetes
  • ORDER                   Agaricales
  • FAMILY                  Agaricaceae
  • GENUS                    Coprinus
  • SPECIES                  C. comatus 

C. comatus

C.comatus was first described by Danish naturalist Otto Friedrich Muller in 1780 and named it Agaricus comatus but in 1797 Christiaan Hendrick Persoon named it Coprinus comatus. comatus is derived from the word ''Comma'' which means hair and this is how it is known as shaggy mane or lawyer's wig. 

Morphology: Morphologically C.comatus is divided into four parts.

1. Gills: Found on hymenium. The color of gills changes from white to pink and then black.
2. Cap: Conical shaped arrangement on the top.
3: Stipe: It posses ring. The height of stipe is 10-40 cm. 
4. Spore: Black color spores are found. 

Habitats: It can be easily found. it grows in the group on lawns, backyards, wood chips often appear after rain. Its most common habitats are  New Zealand, Australia, North America, Europe. In Australia, it can be found from June to October. 

Significance: Coprinus comatus is an edible mushroom. Before the spore turns black it is edible. 
In food items, it is used to add flavor.  But consuming after alcohol could be harmful. Used as the dyeing agent in textile and paper industry.       

- Pragati Priya


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